Former University Campus
Site located in heavily built up and established area of Kilburn London, close proximity to neighbouring houses, university and commercial units.
Specific Challenges
- Demolition of 6 storey building into the footprint of the building
- Close proximity to other buildings
- Design & install temporary & permanent supports to retained structures, working in conjunction with structural engineers
- Extensive demolition, refurbishment and structural alterations to retained building (locally listed).
- Access via narrow road with residents parking both sides.
- Elevated public foot paths and road way to front elevation close to the basement structure to be removed.
Noise and dust receptors likely to be impacted by the works:
- University Campus, Residential & Commercial Units.
- Local Roads & Parked cars in close proximity to site.
Other Sensitive issues to manage
- Asbestos Removal
- Local Residents and business owners.
- Access and Parking
- Temporary and permanent support.