Health and Safety Policy Statement

SJB Plant Hire Ltd undertakes activities associated with role of Principal Contractor within the Construction / Demolition Industry. The Company is committed to delivering this service in a safe and controlled manner by:

  • Complying with current legislation and other requirements as applicable
  • Implementing and continually improving the effectiveness of an Integrated Management System which incorporates the requirements of OHSAS 18001
  • Providing documented health and safety arrangements and safe systems of work which are communicated to all employees and contractors with the intent of preventing injury and ill-health.
  • Setting and reviewing health & safety objectives and targets to drive continual improvement.
  • Defining and communicating the health and safety responsibilities associated with each position of employment / engagement with the company.
  • Providing materials, resources and additional personnel as appropriate to implement the requirements of this policy statement.
  • Provide appropriate training where necessary to uphold and develop employee competence
  • Ensuring that all contractors are assessed and evaluated for acceptable levels of competence and allocation of adequate resources in relation to their work activities.
  • Monitor health and safety performance to clarify whether continual improvement has been achieved and to enable resources to prioritise areas of under achievement
  • Consulting with employees to ascertain their issues relating to health and safety
  • Working closely with clients and other interested parties to ensure that their requirements with respect to health and safety are incorporated within the company’s operations
  • Communicating the content of this policy statement to all employees and contractors and making it freely available to clients and other interested parties


All persons fulfilling a management position within the Company including Directors, are required to maintain high standards of health, safety and welfare throughout their areas of responsibility

All employees and sub-contractors engaged by the Company are required to adhere with the prescribed safe systems of work within the company’s Safety Management System.

All systems of health, safety and welfare provision shall be reviewed at least on an annual basis including this policy statement.